Zen Chic - modern fabrics and quilt patterns

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Those Trees QAL 1

Hey there, fabulous quilters! 🎉

Welcome to the "THOSE TREES" Quilt Along! We’re absolutely thrilled to have you with us as we sew this chic, minimalist Christmas quilt. Over the next five weeks, we’ll guide you through the project, sharing all the juicy tips and tricks you need for a stunning finish. Get ready for some serious fun, laughs, and a whole lot of quilting magic.

Let's make this quilt as fabulous as you are! Ready? Set. Sew!

Free Offer and Pattern

Guess what? Our Quilt Along is totally free, courtesy of Zen Chic! But here's the deal: to get all those juicy details and measurements, you'll need to snag the "THOSE TREES" pattern first. Think of it as your golden ticket to a quilting adventure! Grab it, and you'll be all set to dive in. Let’s do this!

See this product in the original post

Choose your favorite size

The "THOSE TREES" quilt is your new go-to for a chic Christmas! With its stunning minimalist design, this quilt is timeless, stylish, and sure to be the star of your holiday decor. We’ve got two fabulous sizes for you:

  • Lap-Size: Just right for cozying up on the couch or adding a festive flair to your living room. The lap size is the version described in the pattern

  • Table Runner: Great for adding a touch of Christmas magic to your dining table. This version comes with a bonus layout and a specific material list, which you can download below. You still need the pattern, because only there you will find the measurements for the trees

Ready to make your home holiday fabulous? Let’s get quilting!

Material List and Fabric Suggestions

Before we start, let's make sure you have all the necessary materials on hand. Here's the complete material list for our lap size quilt:

Required Materials for Those Trees Quilt

Tips for Fabric Selection and Color Combination

Alright, fab quilters, let's talk fabrics! Here are some tips to make your quilt pop like it's got its own spotlight:

  • Contrast: Choose fabrics with enough contrast to the background so your trees and stars don't get lost. We want them to shine like the stars they are!

  • Color Palette: Pick a palette that vibes with your Christmas decor. Classic greens and golds are a safe bet, but don't be afraid to go modern with blues or grays. Who says Christmas can't be chic?

  • Quality: Always go for high-quality cotton fabrics. They're easier to work with and last longer—just like a good friendship.

Check out our picture gallery for some inspo—there's a whole world beyond red and green! Got a fab fabric pick? Share it with us #thosetreesqal! Let's make this quilt as fabulous as you are.

Your Assignment for Week 1: Pick Your Fabrics

Alright, fab quilters, your mission (should you choose to accept it) is to go on a fabric treasure hunt! Dive into your stash or hit up your favorite fabric store and select your dream team of materials for our Those Trees Quilt. Got your picks? Awesome! Now, snap a pic of your fabulous fabric ensemble and share it with us on Instagram or in our Facebook group. We're dying to see your creative flair! And here's the cherry on top: every post on Instagram with our hashtag #ThoseTreesQAL or on Facebook will automatically enter you into this week's prize draw. So, what are you waiting for? Let the fabric fun begin and may the best stash win!


Share Your Progress and Win Big!

Now, let’s talk about something really exciting—prizes! We’re absolutely buzzing to give away weekly prizes for Instagram or Facebook posts featuring the hashtag #ThoseTreesQAL. So let those entries coming!

Here’s the lowdown:

  • What to Post: Snap a pic of your fabric choice!

  • Where to Post: Share it on Instagram or Facebook with the hashtag #ThoseTreesQAL. Just make sure your profile is public so we can see your beautiful work!

  • When to Post: between September 4th and 10th, 2024.

  • What You Could Win: This week’s prize is a Jelly Roll of my, currently in stores, collection SHIMMER.

Each picture you post counts as an entry, and there’s no limit to how many times you can enter in a single week. Remember, each week is a new opportunity to win, so keep those entries coming!

We’ll randomly select a winner from all eligible posts, and the lucky quilter will be announced in next week’s blog post. You might just be our lucky star this week!

How to Win Prizes on Instagram and Facebook

Alright, fab quilters, it's time to show off those stunning fabric finds! This week’s photo challenge is a breeze:

  • Snap a pic of your chosen materials. Don't forget to tag it with #ThoseTreesQAL.

  • Make sure your Instagram profile is public or share your post in our Facebook group.

  • Each pic counts as an entry, and guess what? There’s no limit! Post away all week long. Remember, entries reset every week, so keep those posts coming.

  • Your photos need to be posted between September 4th and 10th. We’ll pick a winner randomly from all eligible entries and announce the lucky star in next week’s blog post. Good luck, and may your fabric choices be as fabulous as you are!