This spring I designed a Block of the Month Quilt Project using my upcoming fabric lines SPOTTED and MORE PAPER. It was introduced at May Quilt Market. You could sign up for my sew along here on my website, so I can keep you informed with my newsletters. Did you know that you can also subscribe to my blog with the bloglovin reader?
The fabrics are expected to arrive at stores in October, means within the next few days. So I want to prepare you in advance with some news: We will have a mutual sew along.
I thought most quilters prefer to go forward with a project in a reasonable pace and don’t want to wait too long for the next step to be published. Therefore I will have a rhythm of fourteen days between each new block to sew with you. If you find this too fast, you still can sew in your own pace and refer to my blogposts any time later too.
Infos for the Sew Along
We will have an introduction blog post with materials list and some general tips and hints about fabric choices at Friday, 5th of September . I will publish a new block with tipps every second Friday and will keep you informed with a newsletter (you can subscribe here). We will have instagram hashtags and I think about a Facebook Group, which you can join to see other peoples interpretation.
Where can I buy the Original Materials
I have a list of stockists on my website with shops carrying my fabrics. I don’t know, which shop carries all of the needed fabrics. The only one I know for sure is Fatquartershop. They carry a quilt kit, the needed backing, and also the pattern.
Which Materials are needed
To get you a list of all needed materials, click the button below. You will see, that the fabrics are specified in color and needed yardage. To simplify things you can also just buy a F8 bundle of SPOTTED and a F8 bundle of MORE PAPER and you are also good to go.
Where can I buy the pattern
Hey, I have a nice surprise for you: To celebrate the start of our Sew-Along, I will make a discount offer this weekend: The PDF pattern will be offered with a 30% discount for three days only. If you are on my list, you will automatically get the link for the PDF and the Coupon Code.
Now on to our currently running project…
Last week we worked on Block 21 and 22. This week we have again two blocks in our Moda Blockheads 2018 (Round 2) project. We start again with a well known traditional block, Broken Windows, hosted by Jo Morton.
Block 23, Broken Windows
Free quilt along Blockheads 2018, Block 23: Broken Windows
Fabrics used in the block are from Moda, Basic Grey GRUNGE and Zen Chic PAPER, MORE PAPER and LUSTER
This block is hosted by Sherri McConnell. I can imagine how many variations this block offers only by choices of fabric placement. You can do it quite random, you can use a symmetry, Make it lively, make it clear and calm…
Block 24, Kaleidoscope
Free quilt along Blockheads 2018, Block 24: Kaleidoscope
Fabrics used in the block are from Moda, Basic Grey GRUNGE and Zen Chic PAPER
Don't miss the other blockheads involved in this project:
Betsy Chutchian
Corey Yoder of Coriander Quilt
Jan Patek
Jo Morton
Laurie Simpson
Lisa Bongean of Primitive Gatherings
Lynne Hagmeier of Kansas Troubles
Me & My Sister Designs
Sherri McConnell of A Quilting Life
Stacy Iest Hsu
Vanessa Goertzen of Lella Boutique
Carrie Nelson