Zen Chic - modern fabrics and quilt patterns

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Sew the Stunning Gradient Pillow

Make this stunning gradient pillow with fabrics from the SPOTTED collection coming together with the DANCE IN PARIS line by Zen Chic

Such a fun project in a rectangular shape!

By now, you may have figured out, I love to use my fabrics in all kinds of projects. I also feel it’s a waste to just throw fabric away just because it’s a smaller piece. That’s why I’m always on the look for fun fabric challenges where even the littlest pieces of fabric can shine.

Pillows, pillows, and more pillows

Somehow I’m drawn to pillows. When you search for “pillow” here on the blog a bunch of them come up. A pillow is like a quilt top in miniature size. Making a pillow is also perfect for practicing a block or technique to get better at a certain skill. 

For example, the Compass Block pillow where you can practice the foundation paper piecing technique. Or the Half-Square Triangle pillow which will challenge you to get all the squares just right to make an amazing pillow top.

Triangle corners

Speaking of little triangles, the pillow for this week has truly little ones. Inspired by a sample shown in an issue of Love Patchwork & Quilting Magazine, a friend of mine, Antje Schmiedecke, made this stunning Gradient pillow. Michelle Bartholomew, who is the designer of the Gradient pillow made it in all purple and pinks

Antje used only the spotted blenders, coming together with the Dance in Paris line. The fabrics used are Navy, Petrol, Aqua, Grass, Chartreuse, and the Feminine Pale Pink. A perfect combination in my opinion.

The little triangles in this pillow are actually cut-off corners replaced with whites. All the strips are pieced together from squares. If you wanna make the Gradient pillow, you can find the instructions in issue 81 of Love Patchwork & Quilting Magazine.

Putting a pillow together can be a piece of cake. You can use the envelope technique for that. On my YouTube channel, I show you how.

While waiting for Spring in Paris QAL

Now wouldn’t the Gradient pillow be an amazing addition to your living room or bedroom? And it’s a perfect project while waiting for Zen Chic’s first Quilt Along. It’s starting April 28, so not long. I’m really excited about this and would love for you to join our community of fabulous quilters from across the globe. 

See this gallery in the original post