Let me ask you something… do you have a passion for quilting? I bet you do otherwise you probably wouldn’t be reading this blog post. I am very passionate about quilting. I love to quilt myself, design fabrics and patterns, and show others the tricks of the trade.
Unfortunately, we can’t always come together in real life. That’s why I have a YouTube channel where I show you what’s new at Zen Chic, but also fun tutorials of projects you can make for your home using patchwork and quilting.
Talking about YouTube, Kimberly from Fat Quarter Shop is the host of Behind the Seams. A YouTube show on their channel where she shows how the blocks in the Sewcialites Quilt Along are put together. There is a lot to learn and it’s always fun to quilt together.
OK, now let’s move on to the block of this week in the Sewcialites QAL. It is designed by Carrie Nelson and she called it Passion. Carrie doesn’t have her own blog but you can find her over at Moda’s blog. I read in a post once that Carrie is passionate about quotes ever since she was a teenager. She puts a handwritten quote on every quilt she makes. How fun is that?!
Carrie does have an Instagram account where she is showing all of her beautiful fabrics, quilts, and pillows. Even her puppy Matti is in the spotlights once in a while. If you have an Instagram account as well, show us how your Passion block turned out. When you use the hashtag #sewcialitesqal chances are you win an amazing prize.
Another great way to socialize with others is in the Sewcialites Lounge on Facebook. With almost 9,000 quilters it is a fun group to be in. We show each other the block we are working on and ask questions when we hit a rough spot. If you haven’t already, come join us!
I would also love for you to join in our own Zen Chic Quilt Along. We are celebrating the new Dance in Paris collection by making a quilt together using the Spring in Paris pattern. Hop on over to the special QAL page here on the website to get the exclusive newsletters. In those, you’ll find YouTube tutorials that you don’t find on my channel.
SEWIALITES SEW ALONG, BLOCK 34 - free quilt along hosted by Fatquartershop. This block is called PASSION, brought to you by Carrie Nelson. Fabrics used in this block are SPOTTED and PAPER by Zen Chic.
Don't miss the other designers involved in this project:
This is the Zen Chic version of the free SEWCIALITES Sew Along, hosted by Fat Quarter Shop. My layout is inspired by Tracy Bes from the Sewcialites Lounge.
Can you believe the Sewcialites Quilt Along is almost over? I almost say, because even though the free blocks are all shared in the quilting community, we still have a quilt to make. In this blog post I am giving some tips on how to put together the final layout I created and what materials you will need for it. And last but not least, let's take a look at what the other quilters made of this beautiful sampler quilt!